"Hey, wakeup! I'll be there in 5", He hangup the phone. My vision are still blur, I rush to the washroom, get a bath. Later, another call provoked me.
We are now going to beach at Batu Feringgi. We planned last night, for sun raise. I never saw any sun raise scene in my life time, and this is the first time. We got there about 20 min later.
At the beach, the sky was still moderate dark, something i realize is we are not heading east, but is north. God! the sun came out on our right hand side, and there's a mountain and coconut trees blocking our "sun raise" scene.
So nothing we could see, we just stay there and playing around. The sky are getting bright, we have to go, for breakfast.

Me (from left), Carey and Eddy on beach site. Friends...

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